Aluminium-Verbundplatten für den Digitaldruck und VISCOM
RedBOND Composites, 100% Ecofriendly
The purpose of RedBOND Composites is to take care of the people and the environment with aluminium advanced solutions. We always have had a strict environmental policy, with great respect for our environment and people, which is guaranteed by our ISO 14001 certification. Our main raw material, aluminium, is one of the few materials that is … Weiterlesen …
RedBOND, the best choice for HD Digital Printing
Technology is booming and developping faster every day, so much so that, in the world of photography we can see cameras that are capable of capturing much more vivid colours, with much greater precision and definition, achieving incredible results that manage to conquer the most demanding „eye“. The support on which the photographs are printed … Weiterlesen …
The Group plans to build a new, fully digitized and sustainable plant in 2021 to increase the export of its RedBOND composite panels. Madrid, November 20th – Aliberico, the leading Spanish and European family group manufacturing semi-processed aluminium products, chaired by Clemente González Soler, has closed the purchase of land from Repsol in Alicante, located in Avenida … Weiterlesen …
Celebrate Halloween with RedBOND!
Start promoting a scary Halloween with RedBOND aluminium composite panels! Print or cut the panels forming terrifying pieces like ghosts, skeletons, pumpkins… Manufactured with the best raw materials and under the most demanding European standards, RedBOND panels are perfect for printing, cutting and milling. Trust RedBOND panels! Flat, lightweight, and versatile, they can be placed … Weiterlesen …
Feiern Sie den Weltfototag mit RedBOND
Am 19.08 wird Weltfototag gefeiert und wir glauben, dass es keine bessere Art zu feiern gibt, als seine Lieblingsfotos auf dem besten Medium auszudrucken. Die Aluverbundplatten von RedBOND sind das beste starre Material für Drucken aus vielen Gründen: Sie sind sehr flach, was das Risiko eines Druckkopfbruchs verringert, wodurch homogene Oberflächen erzielt werden. Sie haben … Weiterlesen …
REDBOND Composites, certificada con BSAFE
El pasado 19 de junio, RedBOND Composites obtenía el certificado de Empresa Segura y Limpia otorgado por ADEFAM, Asociación de la Empresa Familiar de Madrid que permite a sus empleados trabajar tanto en la planta como en las oficinas con total seguridad. KPMG es el encargado de comprobar y certificar que los procedimientos y actividades … Weiterlesen …
¿Aún no conoces la nueva web de RedBOND?
Vive una experiencia única y navega por la nueva web de RedBOND, conoce las nuevas secciones y déjate impresionar por su atractivo diseño. Accede a todos nuestros productos, sus aplicaciones y nuestro blog. En tiempos de crisis… ¡Hay que saber adaptarse! Por eso en RedBOND estamos de estreno. La nueva página es más intuitiva y visual, … Weiterlesen …
With RedBOND composite panels, proper signage is easy and elegant
Due to the situation caused by the Covid-19, society has had to adapt to a new social reality in order to respect distance and avoid contagion. Now it is more important than ever to sign correctly the measures that must be respected, such as the minimum distance of two meters, the use of hydroalcoholic gel, … Weiterlesen …
RedBOND Composites launches a new website improving its online presence to be closer to its customers, adapting to the changing virtual world. The new website renews and upgrades its image, now it is faster, easier, visual and intuitive, but it still maintains the values, the illusion, the effort and the work of the great … Weiterlesen …